Featured Product: Pro-MP X Firewood Processor

3-strand firewood processor

Make Money Selling Firewood

Timberwolf firewood processors allow you to cut, split, transport, and sell your firewood faster than you thought was possible.

Scale up your firewood business with a Pro-MP or Pro-HD commercial wood processor, essential for boosting your productivity and profit.

Financing for businesses is available on all of our firewood processors for sale. Click here to explore ways to finance your firewood processor.


Firewood Processors Made in America

Timberwolf's Pro-HD series of firewood processors includes the Pro-HD XL. This commercial wood processor has a 25-foot-long frame, 8-foot-long live deck, and 12-foot-long optional integrated conveyor, and optional features available.

The Pro-HD XL is equipped with a large 70-gallon hydraulic tank for cool and filtered hydraulic fluid, and has an electric autocycle.

The Pro-HD XL has a 74 HP Hatz diesel engine that offers cycle times as low as 3 seconds when combined with the 3-stage Permco gear pump featured on the entire line of Pro-HD wood processors for sale.

Best Firewood Processor for the Money

The Pro-MP XL is a portable firewood processor that shares the features of its older brother, the Pro-HD, like the driven top roll clamping system and back roller.

This 38 HP affordable firewood processor can be easily towed by a half-ton truck, making any operation possible, no matter the size of the project.

The best firewood processor for the money, for both new owner-operators and firewood veterans looking to cut down on costs but not production and quality.


3-Strand vs. 5-Strand Firewood Processors

Timberwolf's Pro-HD Series firewood processors come standard with a 3-stand live deck, but they can be equipped with the 5-stand live deck option.

While a 3-strand live deck is typical for a timber processing machine, the 5-strand option better handles small and/or crooked logs because of the surface area provided by the two additional strands.

Still, the 5-strand live deck will handle large logs just as well as the 3-strand live deck.

8-way and 6-way firewood processor wedges

Firewood Processor Wedges

Timberwolf currently offers 4-Way, 6-Way, 8-Way, and 12-Way Wedge options for our firewood processors.

All of our firewood processor wedges - including our log splitters' - are constructed from AR400 steel that is specifically designed for abrasion resistance.

Our firewood splitting wedges can be simply attached to the wedge lift by removing and re-inserting a pull pin. The wedge lift is controlled by a spool valve, so operators can center each log for splitting with just the pull of a lever.

Hatz 74 hp diesel engine

Hatz-Powered Processors

Timberwolf uses Hatz diesel engines on our commercial wood processors because they offer power, fuel efficiency, and a long run time, allowing users to split more firewood in less time.

The Pro-MP XL processor is standard with a 38 HP diesel engine.

The Pro-MP Diesel wood processor is standard with a 56 HP Hatz engine.

The Pro-HD XL firewood processor is powered by a 74 HP Hatz engine.


The Easiest Way to Process Firewood

Timberwolf's patented driven top roll clamping system is standard with all of our processors. The driven top roll clamp (shown here) provides 1,000 pounds of downward pressure on forward-moving logs.

The unique shape and teeth of the clamping system allow the clamp to secure any sized log. Once the log is secured, operators can move it forward or backward on the feed trough for simple adjustments.

All Timberwolf firewood processors for sale have a trough length of 16', but they can process logs as long as 32' because of the driven top roll clamping system.

Firewood Processors With Conveyors

An integrated conveyor can optionally be added to any Timberwolf wood processor.

The optional integrated conveyor is 12' long with a maximum loading height of 10'10". The paddle belt is 20" wide.