What Is a Firewood Processing Machine?

Often referred to simply as a “Processor,” firewood processors are the biggest and best when it comes to firewood processing equipment. Wood processors are available across the globe in many sizes and shapes, but they all have the same purpose.

So, what is a firewood processor and what does it do?


What Is Processed Firewood, Anyway?

The firewood you buy from the gas station or a stand on the back roads is processed firewood. The wood you buy and burn has been through the process of being cut, split, and most of the time, seasoned. 

Firewood professionals using a log splitter will generally follow these steps when processing firewood:

  1. Bucking logs
  2. Splitting logs
  3. Loading logs

“Bucking” is the process of cutting a tree into manageable logs that will then be split. The logs are cut to even dimensions, usually 16” in length.

Next, the logs are loaded individually onto a log splitter and split into firewood. The width of the outputted logs will differ depending on the wedge type and what the wood will be used for. Cooking wood is smaller in width while boiler wood is larger.

From here, the split logs are loaded into a pile or onto a truck bed, either manually or via a conveyor.


Combining the Processes

A firewood processor takes the three steps previously mentioned and condenses them into a single machine. 

Firewood processors use a live deck, generally consisting of 3 strands, to move full-sized logs onto the feed trough. The feed trough then feeds these logs toward the power saw where they are cut into smaller pieces. A guide bar/chain is usually used to ensure logs are being cut at the same length.

Most firewood processors use some sort of clamp to secure the forward-moving logs before they are cut. Timberwolf uses a patented top roll clamping system that can apply up to 1,000 pounds of downward pressure in order to secure logs. This results in cleaner cuts and reduces the need for the saw to re-engage while cutting.

Next, the cut logs fall into the splitting chamber and are then split through a firewood splitting wedge.

Certain wood processors come with an integrated conveyor, but this is much more common with commercial-grade machines.

Timberwolf offers an optional integrated conveyor with the Pro-HD and Pro-HD XL, but not for the Pro-MP and Pro-MP X. The optional conveyor streamlines the process of loading logs.


In Conclusion…

A firewood processor allows operators to cut, split, and load logs without having to move - or at least not move nearly as much as they would. 

Log processors are often used by firewood professionals who require a consistently high output of firewood. Residential customers usually cannot justify the cost of a firewood processor for only their personal heating needs.

Check out Timberwolf’s line of firewood processors here.

Also, be sure to try our ROI calculator, available on each product page. 

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1 comment

Love your splitters. This is a video of some of my friends using one of your 4 way splitters on 24" oak logs. https://youtu.be/nvwz-pCt6eI
Thanks again for all you do!

Adam Claar

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